Nature Photography: Coexistence (No. 66) – The Spellbound Beauty of a Single Zinnia

26 October 2020


Summer Zinnia; All Rights Reserved 2020 Sally W. Donatello

Click onto image to enlarge. Let me know your response to this image. Prints are available upon request.


Ode to a Seed

One small seed holds the universe in its soul.

One small seed brings untold bounty,

moving across time and space with tenacity, often overcoming.


Legacies come in multitudes.

The tiniest can be the bravest, the strongest, the most free-spirited.

Longevity pierces common sense, beating back interference and spreading branches of the ancestral tree.


The seeds of hope are the seeds of the past intertwined with the present.

Perfection is not the necessary response.

Continuance brings abundance for wherever it slides along the continuum of

life’s axis.

That smallest of the life cycle endures even without notice, and that not being seen

often reveals the essence of coexistence.


And as the seeds of yearly bounty float from the past, the universe takes heed

to listen and watch the treasures coincide with the present.

How long is longevity? How fierce is legacy? And when do we attend the warnings

knocking on the seasonal door of abundance?


The spellbound beauty of a crimson zinnia transcends its earthly reflection. And one small seed holds the universe in its soul.



This entry was posted in Digital Art, Gardens and Gardening, Mobile Photography, Nature, Nature Photography, Photography, Photomontage, Poetry, Writing and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to Nature Photography: Coexistence (No. 66) – The Spellbound Beauty of a Single Zinnia

  1. Hi, Sally. If you feel like saying, what led you to stop posting?

    • Steve, I know that you live in Austin and hope that your family and you are safe and well. To reply to your inquiry, I took a hiatus from blogging for several reasons. The main reason is my search for my path, my voice. During the pandemic I began an intense introspection to discover how I wanted to use my creative energies. There were various influences that produced a startling outcome. Even as the pandemic seemed to pause time, it really did not. It actually redefined time for me. Even as I thought that my creative process had stopped, it had not. I spent hours in an inner dialogue through image making/photography, writing and reading. But several outer forces with artists and other sources inspired my steps onward. Throughout pandemic time I produced an essay and a body of work. I felt and feel that the blog is not (for now) the place for this work. I am forging ahead with ideas and the work keeps me hopeful and productive. My muse, nature, has been my companion and instigator, but you probably would have guessed that she answered my inquiries. When I find the platform for this work, I will let you know. You’re one of the few bloggers that I continue to watch. Your nature portraits to archive local wildflowers is a public service and important work, which I admire and appreciate.

  2. It is spellbound beauty. A miracle that something so beautiful can grow out of a inconspicuous and little seed. Beautifully photographed.

  3. Hi Sally. Thanks for stopping by Beach Walk Reflections. I noticed that you haven’t posted since October. Nonetheless, good photography! I’m looking for photo collaborators for the beach walks. Thi link will explain more.

    • Frank, thank you for the invite. I am in the midst of re-imaging my work to illuminate nature as the master of the universe. Certainly, the ocean is a spectacular part of of Mother Nature’s bounty. I’d be thrilled to get to the beach this summer (I can be there in two hours). If I do, will let you know.

  4. Tina Schell says:

    Both the image and the lyrical verses are absolutely beautiful. Your image is stunning – the deep color is wonderful and your presentation of the flower as two identical halves is very creative. Loved your thoughtful ending.

  5. Su Leslie says:

    Powerful words and image Sally

  6. pattimoed says:

    Hi, Sally. I hope all’s well with you. I love your image. Gorgeous. Your closing thoughts pose a wonderful question and offer hope.

  7. I love that deep crimson color and the way you’ve captured the light — it’s mysterious.

  8. Amy says:

    Beautiful indeed, Sally!

  9. That’s a beautiful image, Sally! It gladdens my heart. I also enjoyed your thoughts on seeds.


  10. Meg says:

    That is an amazing photo and shows so much detail!

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