Phoneography Challenge, Your Phone as Your Lens: Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary (and Nature’s Abundance)

03 February 2014


1. Winter Sunset, iPhone 4s, January 2014; © Sally W. Donatello and Lens and Pens by Sally, 20141. Winter Sunset, iPhone 4s, January 2014; © Sally W. Donatello and Lens and Pens by Sally, 2014
2. Sunset, iPhone 4s, January 2014; © Sally W. Donatello and Lens and Pens by Sally, 2014
2. Winter Sunset, iPhone 4s, January 2014; © Sally W. Donatello and Lens and Pens by Sally, 2014

Let me know which you prefer and why. Each was taken on the same night at different locations, and approximately ten minutes apart.


As this day quietly departs, tomorrow will unfold with a salute to the launch (04 February 2013) of this challenge. Initially, the iPhoneography Monday Challenge was slipped into cyberspace with a target audience that uses iPhones. A re-launch was spun four months later. The challenge was anointed: Phoneography Challenge, Your Phone as Your Lens.

During the 03 June 2013 re-launch post I wrote: “Since the launch there have been inquiries from those who joined this trend, but do not own an iPhone. The definition of iPhoneography is crystal clear: the use of an iPhone to take photographs. But Apple’s genius is more than the quality of the iPhone’s lens. The range of apps available for editing makes me believe that I have a darkroom at my fingertips. This aspect of the iPhone influenced the decision to focus on iPhoneography.

Quickly, other companies produced Smartphones with their own versions of built-in cameras, and joined the “iPhone art” movement. Now PHONEOGRAPHY has become the umbrella term to express the integral part that digital technology plays in the arts and popular culture.

No longer is there any doubt about the legitimacy of the Smartphone as a lens to not only capture one’s visual landscape, but produce a viable photograph worthy of recognition. The built-in camera is particularly suited to street photography, because of its size and less threatening presence.

Mobile phone cameras are easily one of the great inventions of this century. It’s hard not to ponder the future of this technology.”

It invigorates my soul that the challenge is moving forward with a steady momentum. As I began to reminisce about the last twelve months, a number of overhead bubbles pop into view:

1. Since its inception over 60 participants have shown their work: either always, frequently, occasionally, once, or sometimes.

2. The highest number of participants per post has been 24.

3. On 02 April 2013 The Daily Post published “Phoneography Favorites,” which mentioned our iPhoneography Challenge and others who showcase photographs taken with Smartphones. The previous month WordPress paid tribute to this trend with a series on phoneography tips. Click here for those articles.

4. Participants come from the far and near reaches of my home in Newark, Delaware, United States. They live, for example, in Africa, Italy, Ireland, Netherlands, Singapore, England, Indonesia, Canada, Australia, United States (coast to coast: West, Mid-Altantic, South, Northeast, Northwest, Hawaii, Midwest).

5. Participants enjoy knowing each week’s theme, and often voice their enthusiasm for their favorites.

6. There is a consensus that the weekly challenge helps to increase experimentation and delving into the new.

Now, my entry for this week. Nature does not have to be flashy to be mesmerizing. But I admit to being lured by sunsets and sunrises (On Friday I forced myself out of bed to chase the sunrise.), which is why it seems appropriate to praise a recent sunset. This winter’s legacies have included: bitter, bitter cold days and nights; numerous rain and snowstorms; many, many grey days; and, magnificent sunsets.

In the Lens section is a sunset that gave me chills and thrills: its visual appeal speaks for itself. I was on a late afternoon walk, and the sky had me follow its massive hues that spread into pinks and greys and blues and yellows and whites.

The air seemed charged with electric colors that were softened as the sun made its way into the early evening. The quickening of the colors demonstrated the need to hasten and catch the performance.

To still each fleeting moment of brilliance was tricky. I realized that in many ways a sunrise and sunset vie for each other’s spiritual dominance and magic. They also push the onlooker and photographer to be vigilant, because each inhale and exhale seems to alter the scene.

The first image was drama personified. A storm appeared to be nearing. But after several shots, I rounded the corner to observe a clearing that produced billowy formations of pinks and oranges mixed with edges of yellows. The sky’s background was evident through the negative spaces. It was glorious, and later each image brought back  moments of elation.

Because this challenge was created to build a community of photographers, I’d love to hear from you. This challenge is meant to be a reciprocal experience where we learn and share–as visual storytellers–through each other’s entries and comments. Also, it’s a place to meet others that are drawn to still their way of seeing the universe.

I hope that you will respond to one or a few or all of these questions. Your response will help as the challenge moves forward in its second year.

1. What have you liked most about the challenge?

2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year?

3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice?

4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer?

5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry?

6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice.

7.  If you are a reader rather than a participant, what do you enjoy most about these challenges? Do you have suggestions?

8. Do you have ideas to increase participation?

9. Other Comments:

Mostly, there would not be ongoing enthusiasm without your participation, which involves creative and imaginative ways of seeing your own universe. I seek to make this challenge a comfortable place for participants and readers to be inspired. That includes encouragement and nourishment, so you can flourish and grow with each post.

As the group of phoneographers grows, the world of photography benefits. As the technology blossoms, the future is limitless for Smartphones and their capabilities.

My personal philosophy stays solidly planted: regardless of the equipment (SLR. DSLR or Smartphones) the photographer captures a moment in space and time, which stirs the viewer to gaze upon the vision of that person’s world. The type of camera is secondary to the story that the photograph tells.

To each of you I extend my monumental thanks.

Tip of the Week: I’d like to introduce you to Phoneography Blog, which is a site: “for the androidographer and the iphonographer, as well as anyone with photobooth, an ipod, an ipad or cell phone camera.” It is a vast online gallery for photographs that are taken without a traditional camera. Click here to see the site, and here to submit a work.

View other entries for today’s challenge here:

Note: As always I welcome any comment about this post or any part of my blog.

If you’d like to join the fun, please click here for details. If you have any questions about the Phoneography Challenge, please contact me.

Below is a reminder of the monthly schedule with themes for upcoming Phoneography Challenges:

1st Monday: Nature

2nd Monday: Macro

3rd Monday: Black and White

4th and 5th Mondays: Challenger’s Choice (Pick One: Abstraction, Architecture, Food Photography, Night Photography, Portraiture, Still Life, Street Photography, and Travel).

This entry was posted in Mobile Photography, Nature Photography, Photography, Writing and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

91 Responses to Phoneography Challenge, Your Phone as Your Lens: Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary (and Nature’s Abundance)

  1. Madhu says:

    A fantastic sunset Sally. I am in awe of your skills with the phone as of your readers. here’s to another rocking year! Cogratulations!

  2. A sizzling sunset neutralizing Winter’s cold. Spectacular sky imagery!

  3. Wow! So many comments and congratulations on making those of us without ” equipment” to feel vital in comparison to all the professionals here. I enjoyed both the golden and stark sunset as well as the puffy and soft pink one!

  4. Tina Schell says:

    Hi Sally and congratulations on your way-ahead-of-the-curve challenge, which has been such a great success. Personally I still struggle with the iPhone but one of these days ill update my device and then Watch Out! Perhaps an edition that asks for entries that used one of the lens attachments for the iPhone that are becoming ever-more prevalent? Continued success to you!

  5. Gallivanta says:

    The first photo is so dramatic. It is definitely my favourite. Congratulations on the anniversary of the challenge and showing us how wonderful phoneography can be.

  6. ~meredith says:

    Congratuations, Sally. You rock this venue. I love it. I think you’re awesome. Meredith

  7. Amanda Lakey says:

    Hi Sally,
    Congratulations on a whole year of iPhoneography! As always your post is well written, insightful, full of great advice and tips, and of course lovely photographs!
    To answer some of your questions: What I love best is the set themes, subjects are broad enough so are never boring, and I can easily plan for them. The themes often take me in new directions, macro especially has me enthralled.
    For me, something I think would be an improvement and maybe increase participation, would be the introduction of something like inlinxs, Ive seen this in action on the writing challenges. I think this would be great, as this would allow viewing of everyones pictures together, rather than having to click on all the links individually. It would be nice to have pet photography included, but I am happy for any changes you want to introduce.

    • Amanda, it’s a joy to have you as part of this expanding community. Thanks for your suggestions. I’ll investigate inlinxs. On this Monday’s challenge I’ll give a summary of the points covered by those who responded. Thanks again for your encouragement and participation.

  8. Su Leslie says:

    Honestly Sally; I like both of your shots equally. Here’s my contribution – with an attempt to answer the questions you’ve posed. Congratulations on the anniversary!

    • I’m so glad that you are part of the photography community. I hope that the day at the swimming hole was soothing. Know that your having extreme heat. Wish that I could send you some of our extreme cold to balance the difference. See you soon. Thanks for your responses.

    • You’ve given some great suggestions, which I will incorporate in the summary as well as additions to the challenge. It’s good to give it a bit of spice.

  9. I congratulate you with the anniversary, you have really created something special with this challenge. And as you say phoneography is indeed an excellent tool for creating viable photograph worthy of recognition. My favourite of today’s pictures are the first one. Those cloud-formations are just stunning. But of both show a beautiful colour palette.

  10. Wishing you a belated happy anniversary! I’d say the first picture gets a stronger reaction from me but I love them both for different reasons. I love your challenges even though time sometimes precludes me from participating some weeks. I always look forward to seeing what others are doing. I like the idea of pets since I have an abundance of them! I’m always looking for tips and ideas. As for juried, I can’t make up my mind. I don’t know if I would be as comfortable posting if I thought my photos were going to be “judged”! In the alternative, if the comments were practical and uplifting, that would be good. Whatever you decide, I appreciate what you’re doing here. It was your challenges that made me take my iPhone and start using the camera! Thank you! 🙂

    • Linda, that’s lovely. I’m happy to have you as part of the community that uses these strangely wondrous devices to still our world. I’m going to add a category called animals. That way it covers the range of non-humans and our “cultivated” ones: pets. See you. Thanks.

  11. thirdeyemom says:

    Congratulations! Wow to do an entire year and get such a committed group of bloggers is amazing. I love watching your challenge. Someday I will get myself more organized and do your challenges but for now I love reading each post! 🙂 Keep up the great work!

    • Nicole, I am delighted to have you as part of the community of readers that enjoy the challenge. Whenever you’re ready, I’d adore having you as a participant. It would expose another community to your advocacy. See you soon. Many,many thanks.

      • thirdeyemom says:

        I love this! If I join, do you have to post on the exact day of the challenge and do you have to do all three? I don’t know if I can do all three right now since my life is sporadic and unorganized but I’d really love to do it. Community is what keeps me blogging! 🙂

      • You can do one a month or all four–each Monday is a different theme. It’s totally your choice. No pressure, some people are diehards and some select one or two a month. Give it a try, and hopefully you’ll be rewarded as we will be.

      • thirdeyemom says:

        Thanks! Got some traveling coming up but would love to join in soon especially the new one you added on using apps as I love them! So much fun!

      • Nicole, bring back treasured memories from your trip. Hope to see you join the fun in the near future. Thanks.

  12. Indira says:

    Dear Sally, Congratulation . Your challenges are very inspiring and interesting. I enjoy participating whenever I can. I liked the first one as it is more appealing to me. Its a good thing you encourage phone photography as I Have my Nokia 2700 only. I wish you best for the upcoming year.

  13. Suzanne says:

    Great challenge and some interesting ideas here Sally. I wonder if my $40 ‘toy’ camera would be considered similar to a phone camera? The shots come up looking similar and some digital photography books say the lens are the same in both types of cameras. I haven’t joined your challenges before because I didn’t think I had right equipment. Reading your current definition I am wondering if I could contribute if I labelled my images as being taken by a toy camera.

    • Suzanne, one of the participants mentioned that she considers herself a “mobileographer.” I’m considering using that term. But the implication is that all these devices do not use film. They are all digital. Does your toy camera use film? It’s a question of analog vs. digital. All traditional cameras do use film. And tell me more about your toy camera. I appreciate your comment. Thanks.

  14. Trifocal says:

    Rather to my surprise I like the second shot best. For different reasons both foreground and background have a Turnersque quality that is very appealing.
    Thank you again for all your work on this blog Sally, and for some great photographs 🙂

  15. My contribution for this week’s challenge is here:

    Phoneography Challenge, Your Phone as Your Lens: Celebrating the One-Year Anniversary (and Nature’s Abundance)

    As for the questions:
    1. What have you liked most about the challenge?
    • The opportunity to showcase my phoneography and push me to photograph things outside of my normal subjects.

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year?
    • More photographic tips, but the way the challenge runs is just fine.

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice?
    • I think you cover most things in week 5… it is the challenger’s choice. Perhaps a dedicated travel category, but that is just me.

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer?
    • this would be great if they can share one or two special tips they have gleaned over the years.

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry?
    • I guess I do and I really enjoy seeing others and extending my network of blogger contacts.

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice.
    •Sounds like a great idea.

    7. If you are a reader rather than a participant, what do you enjoy most about these challenges? Do you have suggestions?
    • I try to participate as much as I can. Once/twice a month.

    8. Do you have ideas to increase participation?
    • Use social media?
    Thanks for a great blog Sally. Keep up the great work. You taking the time to comment on each participant’s contribution means a lot to us out in the blogger world.

  16. I like the first photo where the jet trails seem to join the earth and sky.

  17. elisaruland says:

    I never tire of sunrise or sunset photographs, Sally, and these are no exception. I like the second shot, for it looks as though the sun is trying to blow the billowy pink cloud away from it as it sets.

  18. Amar Naik says:

    Hi Sally, congrats on this milestone. though i have started late i have been enjoying this challenge and trying to improve my skills.
    my favorite is the winter sunset. it attracts my eyes and the natures color are nicely captured.

  19. What beautiful nature images today Sally. I am going to join the group voting for #1 and Laurie’s comment above about q-tips made me laugh too. 🙂
    To answer a few of your questions:
    1. What have you liked most about the challenge? The push to go out and try new things each week. Before joining your challenge I used my iPhone for family snapshots but now I find myself looking around every day searching for new angles and subjects to capture.

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice? I like the suggestion of adding pet photography.

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer? Great idea!

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice. This could be interesting. I’ve never participated in something like it but know they are popular on other websites and I always look forward to a chance to learn something new.

    Thanks for hosting such a fun and informative weekly challenge!

    • My pleasure–I’m definitely going to add a category for “animals,” which will obviously include pets. It’s a joy to have you in challenge’s community. See you soon. Thanks for your comments.

  20. Congratulations on one year, Sally. It has been a lot of fun for me, too. Here is my entry for this week:

    I have offered some answers to your list of questions:
    1. What have you liked most about the challenge?
    • The variety of each week’s subject and the opportunity to “break out” and choose a subject from a list on the 4th and 5th weeks of the month.

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year?
    • No changes come to mind—you are doing a great job and I look forward to seeing where you want to take us. People will vote with their feet if they don’t want to follow.

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice?
    • I am happy with what you have at this time. By the 4th and 5th weeks of the month I am ready to take some control of my photography and your list allows me to do that.

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer?
    • That would be fun to do once a month, or so. I am always interested to find out what other photographers are thinking as they go thru the editing process.

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry?
    • I like the B&W challenges, especially the Architectural entries. It must be the memories of reading Life magazine in the barbershop as a kid—B&W takes me to a Happy Place.

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice.
    • I don’t care one way or another about this one.

    7.  If you are a reader rather than a participant, what do you enjoy most about these challenges? Do you have suggestions?
    • I am a participant.

    8. Do you have ideas to increase participation?
    • Think “Attraction”, rather than Promotion. I think that the followers of your participants will spread the word/participate themselves.

    • Allan, thank you for your reply; it makes the entire project worthwhile to have participants happy, and to feel that the challenge is a challenge. Your comment about “attraction” vs. “promotion,” is an apt observation. Thanks again, and see you soon.

  21. FireBonnet says:

    I like the first shot. I enjoy the silhouettes of the trees in the foreground and I’m guessing those are some jet trails in there? Very dramatic.
    Happy Anniversary to your challenge! I had been using my iPhone as my main camera so often it was great to find an audience as well as inspiration through your challenge. Seeing what other people do with their phones, and particularly apps they use has been really enjoyable. I am still pretty new to the challenge so don’t really have any thoughts on your questions other than adding animals.
    Thank you so much for providing a wonderful space to help support us phoneographers to blossom.

  22. Angeline M says:

    I’m a sucker for color, and really like the second shot with the pink clouds. Happy phoneography anniversary! Wow, the year went by fast, and I’ve so enjoyed this challenge every week.
    I’d love to see a juried exhibition.

  23. aloha Sally. first, congratulations on an amazing year. well done.

    next. which phonoimage and why: you nailed it. they are clearly way different. each it’s own mood and sense of time and space. so different in fact it is not a questions of which one i prefer. it’s a question of my own reflection at the moment i am viewing. for various reasons i’d be drawn to one over the other and in the next moment that could easily be reversed. both are achingly beautiful at the current moment.

    another next. i’ve missed commenting on the last couple of phonography mondays. that’s not something i’d like to miss. it happens tho. and still in my head i reply. particularly i wanted to comment on your last Black and White words. i may yet. i may not too. we’ll see. it’s simply a matter of time of course. fun.

    today’s additional questions:

    1. What have you liked most about the challenge? – among the many things i like: that i know in advance the theme or focus and i can be thinking about that as i wonder. your openness and encouragement as host of the challenge (this allows me and all to create and respond in our own ways with very few limitations. i like that a lot). the embracing of technology as a tool. and new technology as fun. that’s the way i see it.

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year? – i wonder if one, either the 4th or 5th monday of a month might be a rotating focus. either one of the optionals on a rotating sequence. or even other focus areas, a color perhaps. a word. a common object (silverware, windows, doors, pencils/pens, kitchen tools, old things, a mess, organized, movement, silence, chairs, red, bridges). i know it would mean more work to place one more new thing in a post, so i understand if this is not really a great option.

    personally. i have one of the most basic phone cameras out there. the low end cost wise. however. the month comes in and i’m over the plan in cost. the plan has been increased 3 months in a row and still each time since i’ve had the phone (yeah, i’m low on monthly funds) i’m over—even limiting calls and texting, down to almost nil, some how i’m over. this is not good for me. i may have to let my phone go. so i like the term “non-traditional” camera. altho this could also lead to some very strange devices i suspect, it might allow me to use my iPad and in this way not incur the extra charges. would you let me know if this is okay? i see it was on the Tip site. i’m not clear on the iPad camera for your challenge. thank you.

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice? – this is probably answered in #2.

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer? – i can go either way on this. it’s certainly good to see good photography. and interviews can be insightful too. you supply this to some degree already with your Tip area and DOING is what i really like doing. still. . . . if you think they are worthwhile. yeah, they are.

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry? – my favorite post is almost always the on i’m working on (of my own). I suppose my last black and white comes to mind. it has my chomping to do another B & W. I come across work others have done that i like. and learn from. almost everyone has something i can learn from. favorites tho. . . . are hard for me because each has something different to offer. . . .

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice. i’m currently not a big fan of this process. it has value. and there are times when it appealed to me. and it’s good to take part in this kind of thing at times in life. however not so much for me personally at the moment. unless. possibly. it was done in a way that took work not “to be created for the exhibition” but work already shown in response to your challenge as it is. so that those in the pool do not know they are, or will be in the pool. for instance if you announced in June, that all the work shown, or that you have listed in your posts, for the month of MAY will be juried for an exhibition. i would be okay with that. and if you want a bigger pool April and May. make the pool a random selection of people who show. as you said some show one time others most or some times. all of these people would be in the pool by chance for the months you select. i like that. i know this is unorthodox and may defeat the intention of “getting more participation” because there is a “coming” juried event. however i’d like to think that we are putting our best work forward in each post. and in this way that would be encouraged. and we would not be “trying to create” now, suddenly, for the juror or the exhibition. i hope that makes sense. if you wanted people to know it is in the works. then you can indicate that as a process. “sometime, in the next few months. or year. a random month or two will be selected to be put forward into an exhibition. the more mondays you respond the better your chances of being in that exhibition pool. so do your best work each post. etc.

    7.  If you are a reader rather than a participant, what do you enjoy most about these challenges? Do you have suggestions? – i read/look. as well as participate. what i like about reading and looking is that i learn. that furthers my ideas and what i’d like to try. way cool on that. when i go to a post. i try to at least leave a like. that to me is encouragement. i do not always comment. unless something occurs to me that i’d like to say. i do try to get to and respond to comments made on my work. i’m more likely to comment to that person when i see their work but not always. on the other hand. i like questions. as an idea, maybe viewers could focus on a question the work brings up in them related to the work in some way, such as how something was done if the work has been altered in some way. another simple way to respond that i actually find helpful is to simply say what you like about a work, or what memory(ies) it brings up for you as the viewer. or how you (the viewer) may feel connected to it.

    8. Do you have ideas to increase participation? this is a challenge for me. i dont know if this would increase participation or not, however perhaps each monday you could actually show the work you like or pick from the previous monday submissions with a link back to that person’s blog. i know you have all the links for each monday listed. however i doubt if everyone gets around to every link. i do some. i do not others. if you are going to all (and i suspect you do), picking one to show might make it more attractive for others to participate. this has some built in issues, it does not have to be labeled as “best” or “winner” (which might or might not be the idea you want to put forward) however you might pick for other reasons, perhaps one work is selected because you liked the capture of light in it. another for the layers of space which you think are good. another because of the altering that has gone on. etc. in this way, you make people aware of things that can be used to create good work. and someone get’s their work shown and their blog linked to an extra time.

    9. Other Comments: – you put a lot of work into this challenge. i’d like to say again that i appreciate that. the time and effort you make, is what makes this fun and attractive to respond to. way cool. well done. and fun on. and again too, congratulations on running through your first year. a wow, in itself. aloha.

    • Rick, I am grateful for your comprehensive reply. I will have to reread your response again to really get the deeper essence of your remarks. Mostly, I am delighted to have your participation in the challenge.I do like the idea of adding an “Objects” category or maybe call it “Everyday Objects.” That certainly appeals to me. Additionally, if you do surrender your Smartphone, please do use your iPad.I know that some are using iPads and iPods already in the challenge. I do believe that I will talk about their inclusion for participants who prefer those devices. Then we could call ourselves “photographers” or “mobileographers” as Basiga at Blogagaini called us. Thanks again for your insights.

      • i like the way you host Sally. you are very welcome to my thoughts. and i’m delighted to participate (even tho recently i’ve had a lot going on so it’s been a challenge to get around a lot).

        you see the big picture well. i tend to get caught up in detail. i like your thought of “Objects or Everyday Objects”. it’s a broader more inclusive theme. i like that. it appeals to me too.

        yes, i’m still not clear on my (very basic) phone and plan. so i’m reluctant to use it much now. i am exploring what i can do on my iPad. one of the busy parts for me has been getting it updated. i’m my own IT person. and sometimes i miss important things. now i think i have things updated altho not all figured out yet. i’m working on it. and settling in. so i may switch back and forth some still.

        neither device has a great camera. but that’s part of the fun for me too. it’s easy to take a shot that is already good and post it. the fun for me is in tweaking and playing with shots to bring out the elements i want seen. clarity is always a bottom-liner. sometimes it’s just an improvement in clarity that is all i can obtain. that’s cool too. i learn that way. and that is fun.

        yeah, what the heck are we? crazy creatures no doubt. swinging round full circle to photographers. bwahahahahaha. i like mobileographers. altho i’m mobile with me digital SLR too.

        fun on. and happy phoneography mondays on too. aloha.

      • Thank you for your thoughtful response. I made a suggestion for a title change in today’s post. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

  24. Steve says:

    Happy iphoneanniversary :). Here’s to the next year!

  25. wildsherkin says:

    Congratulations, Sally, for not only creating this challenge but for sustaining it. Re. the above images, I love the first one as it is so dramatic and almost has a sense of foreboding…

  26. MaldivesDreamer says:

    Beautiful 🙂

  27. denasgoodlife says:

    Congratulations Sally on the one year anniversary of this challenge. I’ve only been participating for a short time but I enjoy seeing everyone’s submissions and coming up with ideas for my own.

    1. What have you liked most about the challenge? I like that it keeps me on task even though I’ve missed a few. I also enjoy everyone else’s submissions.

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year? I don’t really have much to suggest, but I hope for an explosion of people who participate. 🙂

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice? See No. 2!

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer? Yes.

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry? I love them all.

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice. Yes, that sounds interesting.

  28. the first photo strikes me as monumental…
    I look forward to your weekly challenges…and plan for them as I go about my week. This place you created affirmed what I was all ready doing.

  29. Amy says:

    I especially like the first one. Here are my comment:
    1. What have you liked most about the challenge? The promotion of using the new mobile technology is fun and challenging. I appreciate the opportunity of learning from other people who have the same interest.
    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year? I started late 2013. I really appreciate how you inspire us via your lens and pens.

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice? I think the current forth week gives us the freedom to explore.

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer? Great idea!

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry?

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice. That would be fun. It may help us learn a little more and photo better with our smart phone.

    7. If you are a reader rather than a participant, what do you enjoy most about these challenges? Do you have suggestions?

    8. Do you have ideas to increase participation? I got more visitors and comments for my Phoneography than I expected.
    Thank you for your effort, Sally! I will by back with my entry.

  30. the first photo. very dimensional.

  31. Happy Anniversary! Just keep doing what you do! 🙂

  32. I love the first image. It’s sharp and crisp and the colors are brilliant.

  33. Sally-both images are wonderful, but the top one is the one I keep going back to-the color and light are quite dramatic and there is a painterly quality to this, that I really like.

    And in answer to your questions:
    1. What have you liked most about the challenge?
    The opportunity to participate and to experiment on an ongoing basis with my iPhone-through this challenge, I purchased a small macro lens for the iPhone that I use often-

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year?
    Nothing in particular comes to mind-

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice?
    That might be interesting-animals come to mind as do colors-

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer?
    I have learned so much from reading what other phoneographers do, the apps they use or how they got certain effects-even what their current favorite photographs are-I think these opportunities really help in developing my own vision of what I want my photographs to do-so yes!

    5. Do you have a favorite post that you did for the challenge? Do you have a favorite post of another photographer’s entry?
    I have learned from everyone’s work-and for that I am very grateful to you for bringing us all together-

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice.
    I think that would be wonderful-there is more of that going on and I think it helps to bring recognition to Phoneography as a viable and vibrant form of expression-

    9. Other Comments: I discovered your blog about the time I got serious with my iPhone and it really changed the way I viewed my camera and its potential-for that I thank you! And I look forward to seeing what you do in the coming year-

    • As you suggested, I will add animals (as you may have noticed “We Live in a Flat” suggested Pets): animals covers both. I do agree that other photographers’ images and words do help us learn and see in new ways. Also, an exhibition with a well-known phoneographer might bring more attention to the acceptance of using Smartphones as cameras as well as to the challenge. I’ve enjoyed having you as a regular, and the year ahead has wide-open possibilities. Thanks so much.

  34. birgerbird says:

    I will return to answer all of the questions but I do want to respond by saying, although it is a difficult choice, I love the dark, brooding and dramatic tone to the first phonograph. Beautiful shot.

  35. Sally, as soon as a saw the first photo…the cloud reminded me of a huge Qtip…so fluffy.

  36. My imagination is juvenile this morning, and I see the first photograph as an attack against the earth by alien blobs.

    Over a few decades, and with the change of just the final letter, we’ve gone from phonographs to phoneography. How quickly it seems the earth has made its first round for your project.

  37. I have to agree that the first one gets my attention for drama. The composition also pulls me in. But I enjoy the colors in the second.

    As far as feedback goes, I really enjoy the challenge. I like knowing in advance what the theme will be, although I don’t always get around to doing my post earlier than the night before. Perhaps there could be a miscellaneous category during the photographer’s choice weeks so that if we find something that doesn’t quite fit, we could include it and label it ourselves.

    I’m ambivalent about the jury idea. I enjoy the laid-back quality of the challenge as it is but I can see that it might be enjoyable and a learning experience to do it the other way. Maybe the jury idea is something to do once in awhile.

    As far as getting more participants, the way I’ve tried to help is to mention the challenge when I see anyone elsewhere who’s taking photos with a phone. Word of mouth is always good and several of them have shown up here.

    Thanks for hosting, Sally, and for all the thought you put into your posts and for the links and hints as well.


    • Janet, thanks for your thoughtful response. The idea of the juried online exhibition would be a once a year event. Or a one time event to explore the concept. I agree that word of mouth is the best advocate, and I appreciate your effort.Thanks for being a regular, it’s terrific to get to know you through your work. See you soon.

  38. I loved the 1st photo for the winter sky as it did captivate my eyes.

    For you questions, I might need time to reply to all questions. However, I can provide an answer for the 1st one. I like this challenge because I love using iPhone for photography. I love trying photo apps to find my favourite ones. I think we need to use our imagination more than usual when we try to take photos by mobile phone due to lack of real functions for photography compared to real cameras. After joining this challenge, I feel that I’ve developed my creativity along the line. It is a real fun experience.

    • That’s heartwarming. The iPhone and other Smartphones certainly are digital darkrooms, and I agree with your points. The apps push us to explore darkroom techniques in a different way, which pushes us in new ways. It’s a pleasure to have you part of the fun. Thanks.

  39. #1 is brilliant! Love the warm glow and contrast :), the clumps and wisps in the sky.

    1. What have you liked most about the challenge?
    It keeps me consistently photographing and blogging.

    2. What changes would you like to see over the next few months? Year?
    Perhaps a refresh of the themes?

    3. What suggestions do you have? For example, would you like another category to be added to Challenger’s Choice?
    Pet photography, hahahahahahaha! Just joking. 😛

    4. Would you like me to interview and/or showcase a well-known Phoneographer?
    That would be interesting, yes.

    6. Would you be interested in the challenge sponsoring a juried exhibition? The top entry would be selected by a guest photographer, and there also would be a Reader’s Choice.
    Sure, why not?

    9. Other Comments:
    Happy 1 Year anniversary and a job well done, Sally 🙂 I do appreciate that yours is the most consistent challenges I have the pleasure of taking part in, and the level in which you stay engaged with the participants is admirable. I hope you continue to get as much out of it as you have to given in the new year. 🙂

  40. basiga says:

    Congratulations Sally! It’s been a grand year growing with you, and I wish you the best for your upcoming year!

  41. Lignum Draco says:

    I prefer the 1st shot for its wonderful dramatic elements.
    And congratulations on the success of your challenge.

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